Welcome to New York - village is aglow, dance to this beat

Blank Space - nightmare dressed like a daydream, bad guys good for a weekend, Starbucks lovers

Style - long drive, James Dean, Grease (Harry reference + good girl/bad boy)

Out of the Woods

All You Had to Do Was Stay

Shake It Off - keep cruising

I Wish You Would - not knowing someone wants you back, driving by their place,

Bad Blood - wounds, knives, bullet holes, etc.

Wildest Dreams - out of the city, away from the crowds; staring at the sunset


This Love - clear blue water, currents pulling, sinking ships, a love that came back

I Know Places - hunters/foxes, running for cover, hiding out

Clean - rain, wine-stained dress, drought, drowning


You Are in Love - coffee at midnight, burnt toast, kissing on sidewalks, dancing in a snow globe, downtown office, Jack/Lena,

New Romantics - scarlet letters, “life is just a classroom,” heartbreak is the national anthem, card analogies, build a castle