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Portrait Collection: Claudia's Book

Portrait Collection: Claudia's Book

Claudia is following in her BFF Stacey’s Portrait Collection footsteps by gifting us with her own autobiography. So what do we learn?

  • Claudia was born in Stoneybrook, CT on July 11th (of what year? truly no one knows!).

  • Mimi remains the baddest bitch of them all; she let Claudia, Kristy, and Mary Anne leave their handprints in wet cement on the sidewalk when they were four-and-a-half.

  • Claudia had an invitation mishap when it came to her sixth birthday, and even though her fam threw her an awesome circus-themed party, only Kristy and Mary Anne showed up and it was super traumatic. (MY HEART IS BROKEN!) But of course, Stoneybrook is a magical place, so the Kishis and the Thomases and the Spiers are able to throw together a “re-do” party for Claudia and everyone has a great time, even though it wasn’t Plan A. It’s a good representation of the sweetness of Stoneybrook. Claudia now says it’s her all-time favorite birthday. I’m not crying; you’re crying!

  • Claudia once believed that the tooth fairy pulled your teeth out of your head and ate them. (Yikes!)

  • In fourth grade, Claudia was taken out of Stoneybrook Elementary and sent to the Stamford Alternative Academy, where her parents and teachers thought she could get some more remedial help and succeed academically. Even though Claudia’s school work improved, she resented not being with her friends, and so she didn’t make any effort to be nice to anyone at SAA. Claudia got depressed and started sleeping a lot and she even lost interest in art. Once her parents realized that she was not just being bratty but deeply unhappy, they let her return to SES with the understanding that she’d be getting tutoring and a lot more help with homework.

  • One time Claudia went with Kristy’s family to Hammond Beach for the weekend and they lost David Michael and thought he’d been eaten by a shark, but he wasn’t (obv). Claudia developed a lot of respect for ol’ Kristin Amanda on the trip, though.

Mystery #19: Kristy and the Missing Fortune

Mystery #19: Kristy and the Missing Fortune

#82: Jessi and the Troublemaker

#82: Jessi and the Troublemaker