

No matter where you live, live the movies! We’ve got tips, tricks, addresses, and inspo for your pop culture-inspired travel and lifestyle.

#123: Claudia's Big Party

#123: Claudia's Big Party

Claudia is feeling her time and attention being pulled in a lot of directions — her seventh-grade friends, her boyfriend Josh, the BSC, her art, her homework, Janine all of a sudden wanting to hang out… and she’s trying to manage it all. Now Mr. and Mrs. Kishi are going out of town for the weekend and Janine’s in charge — and she is up for some MAJOR SISTER BONDING, which is a nice change of pace but Claudia’s like… when am I gonna smooch my bf?

Claudia convinces Janine to let her have her seventh grade friends and the BSC over for a small party so she can hang out with all of her friends without feeling pulled in a million directions. Janine agrees… a little too eagerly. Of course, everyone Claudia invites ends up inviting a few more people until it’s out of control. (Well… as out of control as Stoneybrook gets. A bunch of food gets eaten and a vase gets broken.) Russ and Peaches catch them in the act and Claudia and Janine get busted. They manage to clean up the house before their parents get home, but they come clean and accept the punishments that come their way.

Turns out that Janine has been adrift since breaking up with Jerry, because she lost touch with her friends when she was in the relationship. (TALE AS OLD AS TIME.) That’s why she’s been so amped on spending time with Claudia even though they have zilch in common. Claudia’s like, “cool.” And Claud figures out a way to make it up to Josh with “Claudia Time Certificates” lololol. Hey, all’s well that ends well, right?

Can’t wait for the next Stoneybrook rager…

California Diaries #9: Amalia, Diary Two

California Diaries #9: Amalia, Diary Two

#122: Kristy in Charge

#122: Kristy in Charge